2nd Grade Field Trip 2021
On Wednesday, May 26th we hosted the two 2nd grade classes with Brooke Loshe and Laurel Blackburn. Had a great time showing the...

2021 Ice Cream Social Winners
Left to right: CNCC Vice President, Keith Peterson the day's MC. Chloe Noel - 3rd place winner with Root Beer Float flavor. Diane...

2021 Happenings!
Early in the season the Rangely 2nd Grade classes came for a visit to the Museum and we have a new ramp for the Wolf Canyon School House....
2021 Fireside Schedule TBD
Due to Covid-19 our schedule of events has not been set.

Chevron USA $6000 Donation!
Thank you Chevron for the $6000.00 Donation for the Furnace project in the Chevron Camp House. This project is being done by Prater’s...

2020 Ice Cream Social
This years Ice Cream Social winners were: 1st and 2nd Place went to Rene Harden with Rhubarb Crumble taking 1st place and Mango Berry...

Ice Cream Social 2019 WINNERS!
The annual Ice Cream Social was a cool success with approximately 300 guests . Strawberry Chocolate Chip made by Chloe Noel won first...

New Bridge in East End Park
The Rangely Outdoor Museum would like to thank Jeff Lebleu and the town crew for the new bridge in the East End Park by our grounds! This...

Transplanted Trees and New Entrance Decor
The Rangely Outdoor Museum would like to thank Mark Skelton, the Rangely cemetery, W.C. Striegel, and Kellen Wilckzek for transplanting...